The price of freedom is always paid in blood.
The sovereigns of the Silver have awakened, but the Queen is a fractured shell of the woman Cam remembers. He hopes to put her back together by finding her son, the missing prince. At least, that’s what he tells his friends when he leaves for the Red.
Back in the Blue, Julia’s old tormentor Rufus is hounding her at every turn. She’s sick of feeling powerless, but she has a plan that will bring the Nobles to their knees.
All she needs is blood.
The Blood Prince is the final book in Josie Jaffrey’s Sovereign trilogy, set in a dystopian Europe where vampiric Nobles control the last remnants of the human race.
Available February 20th!
The Blood Prince is the third and final novel in the Sovereign series. If you didn't catch my review of The Gilded King, the first book in the series, you can read it here. I was completely enthralled by TGK and gladly volunteered to ride out the series. I love how the covers emerge with the story, changing from the tiniest creep of Red on TGK, into this bold, saturated beauty.
Once again, Josie Jaffrey whisks us back into her dystopian world, where the last city endures. Those of the ruling class happen to be vampires while the remaining humans are in servitude to them. The King has risen from his slumber and the Queen rescued and returned to the city. All should be returning to a semblance of normality but the unrest is still far too rampant. The zombie-filled Red encroaches upon the city, and the walls of the Blue continue to weaken.
The story resumes with Julia and Lucas, and Cam and Felix, but is told from the viewpoints of Julia and Cam. I'm often distracted by dual POVs but once again, it's so wonderfully entwined that I don't find myself annoyed by the change. I'm actually invested in both stories enough that by the time the switch is made, I'm ready to see what the other has been up to! When we see Julia and Cam cross paths, it's actually a little strange to find them on pages together.
You would think by a third book character development would take a back seat to the plot, but no! I love how far Julia has come and where TBP takes her. We see her evolve from a mouse into a lion! No longer willing to acquiesce, she grabs firmly onto her fate with both hands. While Lucas still plays a part, he is no longer center stage as he was in TGK. Cameron, as well, continues to grow and develop, but in his case, it's more of a softening. The confident demeanor is starting to cracks, and he is allowing his jaded side to dissolve. I couldn't love he and Felix more.
The ending, while bittersweet, perfectly honored the characters' journey. I don't feel there is anything left unsaid, or unexplained. I'm sad to be moving on, but couldn't be more content with where we are leaving the characters. It's not often that I find a series that leaves me wanting more of both the world and the characters found within. What I said of The Gilded King rings true for the entire series. It is such a great blending of so many things: fantasy, adventure, romance, ya, paranormal, dystopian, action... it would appeal to fans of so many genres.
Right now, The Gilded King, the first book in the Sovereign series, is
FREE to download. Go get it here!
Enter Josie's giveaway for a chance to win a signed paperback copy of one of her books (winner's choice). Enter here.
About the Author
I have always written stories, but it wasn't until I started the first book in the Solis Invicti series in 2014 that I really became obsessed with writing. I love to read, particularly where the escapism of the story is enhanced with an element of fantasy or science fiction. For me, writing is simply an extension of that journey, but I get to decide what happens next (though it's amazing how often the characters seem to decide for themselves what I'm going to write!).