I'm excited to be joining in on the Bookish Blog Hop!
Each day, bloggers answer questions about themselves and the books they are reading.
Today's question is: Do you take part in reading challenges?
I always do the yearly Goodreads Challenge. I enjoy trying to crush last year's record. To me, it's fun to be competitive against myself. This year I also created the Scaredy Cat Bingo Challenge to try and motivate myself through a bit of a reading slump, but I kinda fizzled out with it mid month. There's always next year though and I hope to make it a yearly tradition and get more people to join in. I also started out the year doing Reading Between the Pages' Netgalley and Edelweiss Challenge but it doesn't look like it's been updated for December so...*shrugs*. As you can see, I'm pretty lazy with my challenges. Haha!
Here's what the others had to say:

Jo Linsdell www.JoLinsdell.com
Megan https://gingermomandcompany.com
When I first started blogging, I signed up for far more reading challenges than I could complete in a year (or even remember signing up for). I’ve scaled back quite a bit since then, planning only to complete a challenge I host on my own blog. I will most likely end up adding the Goodreads reading challenge to that list, though. Spur of the moment :)
Danielle - Snatched Words www.snatchedwords.com
The only reading challenge I’ve tried was “1001 books to read before you die”. I didn’t get anywhere close to finishing it but it did get me to read loads of books I wouldn’t have tried otherwise. I’m launching a reading challenge on my blog for 2020 though, which I’m really excited about! It’s a Parent Reading Challenge aimed at helping parents to find time to read.
Erica Robyn - https://www.ericarobynreads.com/
I used to love reading challenges! One of my favorites was the PopSugar Reading Challenge because it forced me outside of my comfort zone. Unfortunately life got a little too busy, so I’ve fallen off the wagon. The only small challenge I have done recently is set a reading goal for the year for the number of books I’d like to read. I’d love to get back into challenges in 2020.
Leslie Conzatti www.upstreamwriter.blogspot.com
In case it hasn’t become abundantly clear in the last two weeks of this blog hop… I don’t participate in “official reading challenges”, not because I don’t want to or because it’s too much reading (good lord, I would not be here if that were true!)--honestly, I have looked at trying my hand at a few reading challenges over the years… back in 2014, before I was working full-time like I am now, I actually managed to read 100 books in the year, averaging 5-10 library checkouts per month! The problem is, as with any of the other “book club” or “book delivery service” type of setup… I’ve just got too much that I already want to read, and not enough reading time as it is! So I make myself a personal goal of “read as much as I can” and “read more books on my TBR list than I did last year”!
Kaili www.entertaininglynerdy.com
I have taken part in reading challenges but it is something I have stopped doing. I have bought so many books that I haven’t gotten the chance to read yet. Plus, it doesn’t really help that I’m a mood reader. Reading challenges are very hard for me to do because I’m the type of person that has to figure out what I’m going to read but since I’m a mood reader I typically don’t stick with the books that I set for that reading challenge. Plus, I don’t have books that fit into some of the challenges so it ends up requiring me to buy more books that I don’t need to get.
In 2018, I’ve taken part in a few reading challenges. In 2019, I only did the Goodreads one. For 2020, I actually have my own audiobook challenge planned! I’m really excited about it. I’ve tried to set it up in a way that it’d be fun for everyone, people just getting into audiobooks, and crazy around-the-clock listeners like myself. The prompts give back the full audiobook-experience, and the readathon part can make a serious dent in your 2020 Goodreads challenge and TBR :-D
Eline - LovelyAudiobooks.info
Kriti - https://www.armedwithabook.com/
Tania Richardson www.thebookwormmummy.com
I always take part in the Goodreads challenge, which is great at keeping me motivated to read throughout the year. I like it because it’s simple and straightforward, but quite effective. I’ve also taken part in Popsugar challenges, which were great at making me step out of the box and read books I might never have read! I’m currently looking for a good challenge to help diminish my enormous TBR mountain!
Robin Loves Reading https://www.robinlovesreading.com