Realm of Knights Jennifer Anne Davis Publication date: September 10th 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Reid has spent her whole l...

Feature Fiction || Realm of Knights by Jennifer Anne Davis

Realm of Knights
Jennifer Anne Davis
Publication date: September 10th 2019
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult

Reid has spent her whole life pretending to be a man so she can inherit her father’s estate, but when a chance encounter threatens to expose her lie, she is forced to risk everything.

In the kingdom of Marsden, women are subservient to men and land can only pass from father to son. So when Reid Ellington is born, the fifth daughter to one of the wealthiest landholders in the kingdom, it’s announced that Reid is a boy.

Eighteen years later, Reid struggles to conceal the fact she’s actually a young woman. Every day, her secret becomes harder to keep. When one of Marsden’s princes sees her sparring with a sword, she is forced to accept his offer and lead her father’s soldiers to the border. Along the way, she discovers a covert organization within the army known as the Knights of the Realm. If Reid wants to save her family from being arrested for treason and robbed of their inheritance, she will have to join the Knights and become a weapon for the crown.

To protect her family, Reid must fight like a man. To do that, she’ll need the courage of a woman.


Ackley plopped down next to Reid. “Hopefully, no one gets the wrong impression.”
“And what impression would that be?” Reid asked curiously.
“That I’m interested in you.”
She laughed. While he may be fascinated by the fact she could fight with swords, she knew he wasn’t interested in her in any romantic way. The mere idea was absurd. They were just friends.
Ackley placed his right hand over his heart. “It’s not that funny,” he said with wide eyes, feigning hurt.
“It is,” she replied, “and you know it.”
Gordon and Dana took seats directly across from Reid and Ackley.
“Speaking of which,” Reid said, lowering her voice and putting her hand over her mouth so no one could overhear her. “Do you have a fiancĂ©e I should know about?”
Ackley lifted one eyebrow, his expression conveying he thought her comment was stupid. “Of course not. I can’t believe you asked that.”
She shrugged. “I didn’t know Gordon was engaged. I thought perhaps you were, too.”
Leaning unnecessarily close to her, he whispered, “I am married to my job. I would never let a woman tie me down.” He winked before straightening.
Everyone started passing the food around. Reid took some pheasant, potatoes, and green beans. “You know, that doesn’t surprise me.” Ackley seemed like the type of man who preferred roaming the countryside to domestic life. Of course, he was still young. Only a year older than she was, and she couldn’t imagine being tied down right now either. While she longed to be herself instead of the lie her father created, she had no desire to be married.
“Are you unwell, Lady Reid?” Gordon asked.
She snapped her head up to stare at him across the table. “I’m fine, why do you ask?”
“You had a funny look on your face.”
Why was he still watching her? “I was just thinking about how much I miss my family.” She forced a smile and resumed eating, being sure to take small bites so nothing would fall on her dress.
“You know, Lady Reid,” Ackley said, an odd teasing quality in his voice, “I just might change my mind.”
“About what?” She reached forward and took hold of her goblet, about to take a drink.
“I could see myself marrying if the right woman came along. Someone feisty and strong-willed. Someone who challenges me.” He kept his focus on Gordon as he spoke.
Reid took a sip of water and set her goblet down, trying to figure out what Ackley was up to. Surely this was a test to see how she handled the situation. Was Ackley referring to her? If so, why? Whatever he meant, she had to remain calm, so she channeled her inner grace and dignity.
“Unfortunately, most of the women I’ve met are too quiet and docile. They never speak their minds, they’re too accommodating, and well, they’re boring.” Ackley’s attention was still on his brother. He must be referring to Gordon’s fiancĂ©e, Dana. But why? Ackley wasn’t the one who had to marry her, so why did he care?
An odd noise came from Idina, something that sounded like an amused snort. She mumbled a few words, but the only one Reid managed to understand was subtle.
“There’s nothing wrong with a woman who knows her place,” Gordon said.
The fork slipped through Reid’s fingers, clanking onto her plate. She hastily picked it up, hoping no one noticed her faux pas. She couldn’t believe Gordon had just said that. Anger coursed through her.
Idina chuckled. “It seems like I’m not the only one who takes offense to that statement,” she muttered so only Reid could hear.
It took every ounce of self-control Reid had not to launch into a verbal rant about what was wrong with Gordon’s comment. She wasn’t certain if he genuinely believed that—especially since his lovely fiancĂ©e seemed to exhibit such qualities—or if he were simply testing Reid to see if she could act appropriately. She shoved a piece of bread in her mouth to occupy her.
Ackley leaned in. “Control your eyes. If they could unleash fire, you’d have burnt my brother to a crisp by now.”

Blinking, she tried to will away all thoughts of violence. More bread—she needed more bread in her mouth. And she should probably start cutting her food. Yes, that was a good idea. Then she could focus on her plate instead of the pigheaded man across from her.

About the Author

Jennifer Anne Davis graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in English and a teaching credential. She is currently a full-time writer.

Cage of Deceit: Winner 2018 Kindle Book Awards

The Key: Finalist 2014 USA Book Awards

The Voice: Finalist 2014 Next Generation Indie Book Awards

The Voice: Winner 2013 San Diego Book Awards

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